Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Pics of the Boys

The boys actually let me take pictures before church Sunday morning.  So, I though I'd share them with everyone!

This picture was Aaron's idea.  He wanted it to look like Ryan had 2 heads. :)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Bike Wreck

Denny may not appreciate me doing this, but I thought I'd show his latest "adventure."  Here lately he's been riding his bike around the house.  Just up the road he's found a dirt road that goes on for miles.  The trail is pretty rough, and he was planning on getting a new bike the next time we go to Tulsa.  His bike is old, and definetly on it's last leg.  After last night, he has no choice but to get a new one. :)  Apparently he hit a rough spot, and the whole front torked.  Now, the front tire is completely sideways!  Unfortunately he forgot to take his cell phone, so he had to walk back to the house.  Poor guy!


Why are guys proud of their wounds?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My Home

Pinned Image

I saw this on Pintrest (I love that site!!) and thought it was very fitting.  Ever since we bought our house in 2000, Denny and I have worked on it.  We have officially changed every room in that house!! (so I guess now we start on the outside?)  Anyway, I love my home.  It's not the fanciest or biggest, but it's ours and I think we've done an awesome job in updating everything.  Even though I love how it looks, I've loved the work even more.  Each remodel has it's own memories of fun, stress, laughter, and tears.  It's those memories, those times of working right along side Denny, of the boys getting their tools out to help, it's that part that I love about my house.  So, here's to everyone that helped along the way, and to my wonderful boys (all 3) that make our house a home.  Love you!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Our Beautiful Kitchen!

The back splash was installed this week, and Denny put the rest of the trim up.  So.....that mean's the kitchen remodel is done!  I still may do a few decorative things, but other than that we are completely done with this long makeover!  
We decided to put travertine tile on the bar, and subway tile as the back splash.  In every kitchen picture I saw, I always loved the subway tile with dark grout.  I'm soo glad we decided to put it in our kitchen.  I love it!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Ryan's 6th Birthday Party!

Today was Ryan's birthday party.  The morning started out with a secret mission, in which Ryan had to locate his presents that were stolen before the post office could deliver them.  He followed clues throughout the house, and the last one led him to the laundry room where Denny was hiding with the presents and his own dart gun.  :)

In case you can't tell, he wanted to have an Army birthday party.

Ryan had snickerdoodle cupcakes, and an M&M ice cream cake.  (it's really not a cake...more of a homemade blizzard.)

Denny and I got him an air soft gun, which is one of the main things he wanted.  The other was a "real" watch, and my parents got him a nice camo one.

Aaron got him some cars from the movie Cars 3.  He doesn't play with them a whole lot, but he collects them.  He's trying to fill up his windowsill with them.

Avery picked out this Darth Vader mask.  It makes the breathing noise, and also says several things.

We also had an army tank pinata. 

It turns out the air soft pistol we bought broke, so we took it back and got these two instead.  It actually worked out better, because Ryan can work these easier.

We always have to take a family pic at their party!

Ryan, Aaron, their friend Michael, Avery, and Clark.

Their friend Jacob was able to come over for a little while, too.

Clark hanging out with Grandpa Randy while the kids sprayed silly string.

After the pinata we got out the slip n slide.  Poor Clark only got to splash in a tub!

His Great Grandma Margie, and Romine Great-Grandparents were also there to help celebrate Ryan turning 6.  It was a busy, fun, wild day, and I think Ryan had a great time!  I've got them in bed now, and am about ready to join them.  Tomorrow is his official birthday, so we'll do something special to celebrate then, too.  I still can't believe he's going to be 6!!!


We did fireworks Tuesday night so that the boys could stay up late, and then sleep in Wednesday morning.  Denny and the boys love doing the fireworks, and I can only imagine what all they'd do if we lived out in the country.  They make me nervous with the ones we do here in town!  At one point Denny was holding one, and I told him I wouldn't drive him to the ER if he burnt himself.  He just grinned like a little kid.  :)  It's fun watching them get so excited with each one.  At one point, one of the boys yelled "let's go blow something else up!"

Ryan watching one of the fireworks.

 Aaron liked to light them, but thankfully Ryan didn't want to mess with that part.

 Gotta love sparklers!

 Oh my wonderful, silly boys!

Snakes and glow worms.  I think they were burning the boxes at this point. :)

My camera has a fireworks setting, so I thought I'd try it out.  I know these are small, but I liked how they turned out.

Hope everyone has a HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!

Monday, July 2, 2012


Thought I'd give a few updates on what's been going on.  Aaron's baseball season is officially over.  His team came in 2nd place in the tournament.  We could've been 1st, but there were some umpiring issues.  Aaron was upset after the game, but I don't think he'll miss these 100 + degree games!  Ryan gets pretty bored at the games, so he's definitely glad it's over. :)  Speaking of Ryan, he had his eyes checked and we got another good report! His doctor is still amazed at how well his lazy eye is doing.  I give all the credit to God, though!  He mentioned that whenever he gets a little older we can try contact lenses.  On one hand I think it'll be a long time before he can handle that responsibility, but he has surprised me with his glasses.  He's a rough little boy, but he never argues about wearing them.  My prayer is that someday he'll be able to have surgery and not have glasses at all!
The kitchen is getting close to being done.  This weekend Denny put up the trim around the cabinets, and next week we're getting the back splash installed.  He's working on the trim and baseboards in the laundry room, and then I think it will be done!  We'll need to touch up some paint when it's all finished, but that's the easy part.  :)
I'll be posting pictures of Ryan's birthday and fireworks soon.  Hope everyone has a safe and fun 4th of July!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Muskogee Water Park

Well, Ryan's birthday week has officially begun!  Saturday we took the boys to the Muskogee water park, and we all had a blast.  Unfortunately, the boys got sunburned even though I put suntan lotion on them, and we were only there 3 hours.  I should've had them put on a shirt halfway through, but I wasn't thinking.  Aaron's burn is just pink now, but Ryan's back is still pretty red.  I feel so sorry for him! :(

The boys' friend Jacob went with us.  He lives down the road from us, and is the same age as Aaron.  He has become part of the family this summer!

Aaron and Jacob loved going down the slides, and Ryan's favorite part was jumping into the pool and doing a cannon ball.  It was a fun day!