Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring Break

 Denny & I took off one day during Spring Break to spend with the boys.  We took them to Incredible Pizza in Tulsa, and on our way home stopped in Muskogee to see the USS Batfish. (a submarine)  We had a really fun day!

 Incredible Pizza has added laser tag since we were there last time.  This was mine & Ryan's first time to ever play.  I have to admit I was nervous at first, but had a lot of fun!

 While Denny & Aaron played other games, Ryan & I played putt putt & bumper cars.

The USS Batfish in Muskogee.  This may have been their favorite part of the day!

 Denny calls this my "panicked mother" photo.  It's true.  I had just looked up there, and said "What are you doing up there?  You're not supposed to be up there!  Get down here right now!"  Ryan made me very nervous more than once on this trip!
 They had an old tank the boys had fun climbing on.

Look at those muscles!

 Umm...I promise it wasn't me driving.

 The doorways in the submarine are little.  Of course, everything in the submarine is downsized & cramped.

 Can you imagine grown men trying to sleep in these?  I'm not sure how Denny got stuck with the bottom bunk!
 Full steam ahead!

 Okay, you may think this is gross, but I work at a plumbing warehouse...what do you expect?
Seriously, that was one tiny shower.  I stepped in one, thinking about the poor men who had to shower there when I heard the door slamming shut behind me.  Needless to say it opened back pretty quick after I yelled "Aaron Michael!"
Denny has been sick with Bronchitis the past month, so we were glad he felt like going with us.  I think he payed for it the next day, but he said it was well worth it!

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