Sunday, March 24, 2013

Grandpa Romine's 80th Birthday!

This Saturday we celebrated my Grandpa Romine's 80th birthday.  (this is my Mom's dad)
All our family came in and ate lunch together, and then we invited friends & church members to come celebrate with us.  Everyone had a good time, & of course we had way too much good food!

Grandpa with his 3 cakes.  They were decorated to look like his garden.

Grandpa Randy & Clark

My Uncle Lonny.  

Avery & Avelyn. (my cousin's daughter)

Aaron & Ryan loved the fried chicken!

 Avery tried to take a picture of her daddy & Grandpa Randy, & this is what she got.  Like father like son!

 Megan with Avery & Clark.

 All the great-grandchildren.

This isn't the best picture, but it's hard to get all the kids to be still & look at the cameras!

My mom's sister Annette & her family.

My mom's sister Marilyn & her family.

And of course my family!  Oh, and for all those that told me at the party how much my mother & I look alike, I'm the one in the red shirt. :)

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