Sunday, December 2, 2012

Denny & Aaron's Birthday

Aaron's birthday was on Friday, so we celebrated by watching the movie Rise of the Guardians, and then had his actual party on Saturday, which was Denny's birthday.  So, it was a joint party. :)

 Aaron is now 10!  I can't believe we're in double digits!

 It was Batman/ Hot Wheel themed.

 I was afraid we'd all have black teeth after the cake, but it wasn't too bad!

 Clark was ready for the Batman party.  He's such a sweetie!

 Ryan, Angel (Aaron's friend), Avery, Aaron, & Clark

 I've got some good looking boys!

 Aaron was excited about his Wii games.

Denny & Avery with the card she picked out for him.

Aaron swinging at his pinata.  I don't have pictures, but we had silly string afterwards.  His friend, Angel, got it all in my hair, but we had a lot of fun!

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