Sunday, January 29, 2012

Aaron Gets Baptized!

Well, it was a quick trip to Monett this weekend, but it was definitely a good one.  We rode with my parents, so I was able to watch movies with Ryan on the way up there and back. :)  Even though it was short, it was  nice to see everyone.  My niece's 14th birthday was today, so we were actually there to sing Happy Birthday and watch her blow out a candle. (which completely embarrassed her)  Now we'll always remember Aaron was baptized on Essie's birthday!
Aaron was the only one baptized this morning, and  I really don't think he was ever nervous.  My sister-in-law recorded it for me, so I was able to take a few pictures.  It was hard, but I even managed not cry my eyes out with pride & joy.  My wonderful little boy is growing up, and I'm so happy he wants to grow up with God in his heart!
Here are a few pictures from our weekend:

 Ryan playing hex bugs with his Daddy.

 Aaron & Pa Pa Ken

 I love this boy soo much!!

Aaron with his proud parents.

 Aaron with Pa Pa Ken

Aaron with Grandpa Randy & Grandma Kathy

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