Sunday, January 29, 2012

pics of the boys

I haven't taken a lot of pictures of the boys lately, but here are a few.

 Denny got a new pair of boots, so of course Ryan had to try them out.

 Aaron ready for his basketball game.

 Ryan likes to do a bad boy pose whenever I take pictures.  Even his "bad boy" look is cute to me, though!

Aaron Gets Baptized!

Well, it was a quick trip to Monett this weekend, but it was definitely a good one.  We rode with my parents, so I was able to watch movies with Ryan on the way up there and back. :)  Even though it was short, it was  nice to see everyone.  My niece's 14th birthday was today, so we were actually there to sing Happy Birthday and watch her blow out a candle. (which completely embarrassed her)  Now we'll always remember Aaron was baptized on Essie's birthday!
Aaron was the only one baptized this morning, and  I really don't think he was ever nervous.  My sister-in-law recorded it for me, so I was able to take a few pictures.  It was hard, but I even managed not cry my eyes out with pride & joy.  My wonderful little boy is growing up, and I'm so happy he wants to grow up with God in his heart!
Here are a few pictures from our weekend:

 Ryan playing hex bugs with his Daddy.

 Aaron & Pa Pa Ken

 I love this boy soo much!!

Aaron with his proud parents.

 Aaron with Pa Pa Ken

Aaron with Grandpa Randy & Grandma Kathy

Friday, January 20, 2012

More Exciting News!

Aaron has decided he's ready to be baptized!  He's been asking questions about it, and during one of our Bible studies this week he told me he was ready.  Denny and I talked with him, and then gave him a few days to decide who he'd like to do it.  He decided on Pa Pa Ken, so we're going to Monett next weekend.  We love their church, so it will feel like home for him to be baptized there.  I'll have someone take pictures for us, and will post them as soon as I can!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Denny's new job!

Just a little note to let everyone know that Denny got a new job!  He starts this Friday at Spirit Aerosystems.  He's been wanting something different for a while, especially after his wreck.  He'll be working in the shop, but I'm not sure exactly what he'll be doing.  We're very thankful for this, and pray everything goes well.  He'll now be home for supper, and won't be missing ball games and school programs.  We're all very excited about the change!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Opening presents at Grandma Romine's house.  The boys got 2 hex bugs each, and they had fun pestering Grandma Kathy and Grandma Romine with them!

 My Uncle Lonny, my cousin's daughter Avelyn, Denny, & Aaron.  She liked to take the bows apart and make headbands!

 Aaron & Ryan opening gifts.  Tia Dawn sent money to get a couple of games, so they got Head Bandz & Connect 4 Launchers.  They're both alot of fun to play.

 We decided to get big gifts this year for the boys.  Aaron got a set of golf clubs and Ryan got a new bicycle. Unfortunately we had a few problems, though.  It turns out that I bought Ryan a bike that is a little too big, and Denny accidentally bought left handed clubs for Aaron.  We've got it worked out now, and the boys took it all in stride.

They boys love Angry Birds, so they each got a bird & pig.

 I got the new Big Time Rush CD and these are pics of the boys dancing.  Actually it starts out as dancing, and then turns to rough housing.  :)

 My handsome boys on Christmas morning.

Mom got them Angry Bird t-shirts, and an Angry Bird game.  I told you, they're crazy about them!

Well, that is just a few of the gifts the boys got.  We had a great Christmas, and it was nice to see all of my family.  The boys got several different games so we've had a lot of fun family time.  (it's nice to have the TV off and spend time together!)  We got together with my parents and William's family and played some, too.  They're really good about being patient with Ryan.  He's at the age where he can play, but still has a hard time sitting still & not getting wild! I've also loved spending time with my beautiful little nephew, Clark!
So, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and are ready for another full year.  The boys went back to school today, and I already miss them.  We have basketball games today & tomorrow, so I guess it's time to get back to the grind.  I wish we could have a few more weeks of Christmas break, though!