Sunday, August 14, 2011

We're finally done!

Okay, we're not really done, but we've done as much as we can for now! 

 Here's my beautiful new vanity and framed mirror.

 This window looks out onto our porch and back yard.

 We had major issues with the stain, but in the end it was exactly what we wanted.

 Our new back porch, and patio furniture.  Now we can eat outside, and do homework whenever it cools off.

 Laundry room
Denny made me shelves for the laundry room.  You know how I like things organized!

I thought I had pictures of our dining room, but this was the only one I found.  This is taken from our living room, looking at the dining room on your left, and entryway on the right.

A day at the lake

Our Sunday school teacher invited our class to go out on their boat this Saturday at Elm Point.  It was the first time for the boys to be on a boat, and the first time any of us were on a tube.  We had an AWESOME time!!  I don't have a picture of when I was on the tube, but I did get to do it once with Denny and the boys.  I held on for dear life, because falling off and going under water wasn't an option!  We had sooo much fun!!!
 Aaron, Ryan, & Denny getting ready for their first ride.

 Aaron, Avery, & William going for a ride.  Avery had fun, she just didn't like the water in her eyes.

 Ryan with his Aunt Megan.

 Ryan with his Uncle William.
Me, Avery, & Aaron.

Denny & William stayed on for 8 minutes before Rich finally threw them off.  There were several times we thought they were done, but somehow they always managed to stay on.  William even flipped off once, but because he didn't let go was able to get back on.  It was fun on the tube, but it was also alot of fun watching the others go, too!

Trip to Tulsa

Because of the remodel we haven't done much this summer, so we decided to go to Tulsa the weekend before school.  We went up Saturday and did some shopping, and played in our hotel's pool.  Sunday we played in the pool again before we went to Incredible Pizza.  We had a great time, and it was nice to get away, even if it was for only one night.

 Aaron playing in the hotel pool.

 Ryan liked climbing up the frog more than sliding down it!

 Denny and the boys in the hot tub.

 Getting ready for bed.

 Aaron watching Denny play a game at Incredible Pizza.

Ryan bowling at Incredible Pizza.

1st Day of School!

 Ryan's 1st day of kindergarten!

Showing off his Phineas & Ferb backpack.

 Aaron's 1st day of 3rd grade!

 Aaron is still using the same Ben 10 backpack from Kindergarten.  I offered to get him a new one, but he likes this one!

 On the 1st day the parents get to walk the kids to their class.  Ryan was so excited and had a lot of fun!

This was their 2nd day of school.  Neither one likes to get their hair fixed, so for the sake of our morning routine (and because of the heat) they got hair cuts.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dropping off the kids...

Well, today was the 1st day of school and I have to say it went really well.  Aaron is now a big 3rd grader, and Ryan is in Kindergarten.  Aaron was a little nervous about going back, but as soon as he saw some of his friends he was okay.  I think he's like his momma, and doesn't like change.  Of course, who would choose school over playing at Grandma's house?  He has a new principal and computer teacher this year, so in his mind that meant alot of his classmates wouldn't be back either.  I saw several familiar faces when I dropped him off, so I'm sure he'll be fine.  I haven't met his teacher yet, but there will be a meet and greet next week so we can meet her and see his room then.
Ryan was excited about starting school, so there were no tears or "mommy don't leave me!"  He just walked in and sat down with the other kids.  They were watching a cartoon, which I think was a great way to get the kids minds off where they were and that their parents were leaving.  I've been dreading this day for a while, so I'm glad it went so well.  Now I'm anxious to pick them up and see how their first day went!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Back in our Room

Last Thursday we were finally able to sleep in our room again.  I've been sleeping with Aaron, and Denny has been sleeping on the couch.  Don't feel sorry for him, though.  I think he liked falling asleep watching TV every night!
 This used to be a wall with a window looking into our back yard.  Now we have a hallway, with a window and a door that goes to our back patio.  Not to mention our wonderful little fireplace.  We're ready for any future ice storms!

Can't see the floor real well, but we really like it.  It's vinyl, but looks like tile.

Cardinals Entryway

This is our entryway when you come through our French doors.
 You can't see them real well, but my mom made these curtains, and they're beautiful.  We've had it for a while, but Denny made the entryway table.

 We've been calling this our reading nook.  It's actually really cozy.

We've had this for a while, but Denny made this bookcase, too.  He spoils me by building all this stuff!

My new closet!

Things are starting to get done at our house, so I'll try to download a room at a time for everyone to see.  I haven't had a closet of my own since we bought this house, so this closet was a huge thing for me.  Thankfully I have a wonderful husband who put up awesome shelves that I already have loaded down.  It's been different going to only one place to get my clothes in the morning!

I have one hard working man!!!

 I remember my mom always had things William and I made hanging in her closet, so I thought I'd do the same.  Those little hand prints are more precious with every year they get older!

 My shoes have always been under my bed, so I love having them organized and where I can see them.  I even put the shoe thing together myself.  (with a little bit of encouragement from Denny)

Fun fact: this dresser was my Dad's and then mine growing up.  The boys have used it since, but it's now mine again.  I'm not sure it would've made it through Ryan anyway. :)

 Not a big deal to most, but I'm proud of my closet!

Monday, August 1, 2011

A summer of golf...

This summer Aaron was able to take golf lessons at the country club.  He likes going with his Daddy, so we figured it was time to get some lessons.  It was only 4 days, but he had a blast!  Every Thursday evening in July the country club let non-members and their kids play 9 holes.  Denny took each of the boys, and then the last Thursday William took one, and Denny the other.  They have a 9 hole tournament, and got a medal or trophy each night.  Guess I better start practicing so we can go golfing as a family!

Sweet Dreams

The other day Avery got to spend the day with me and the boys.  We played in the sprinkler, had ice cream cones for snacks, and had a fun day.  I didn't think she'd want to take a nap, but she went down without a word.  All she wanted was Uncle Denny's Ernie to sleep with her.  This was his when he was little, and we've kept it as a keepsake.  She normally doesn't want me to take her picture, but she had no problem posing with her Ernie!