Monday, December 19, 2011

Ryan's letter to Santa

Our local newspaper had different classes write letters to Santa.  Ryan's teacher tried to write exactly what the student said.  All of them are cute, and here is what Ryan asked for:

Of all the things he could ask for, he wants a whoopie cushion!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

William Clark Higgins is finally here!!!

 In the waiting room at Muskogee Hospital.  We brought toys, so the kids did pretty good waiting.  We couldn't be there when Avery was born in Indiana, so this has been special for my family.

 William with Ryan, Aaron, & Avery before heading in with Megan.  After being in labor all day she had to have a C-Section.

 Just found out that our little Brady Claire, is actually William Clark!  It was a huge shock...I mean, those things only happen to other people.  But, it happened, and little Clark has won our hearts!  He was 6 pounds, and 14 ounces, 19.5" long.
 I couldn't be more proud or in love with my new nephew!

 Aaron wanted to meet his new cousin, but he was also anxious to see his Aunt Megan, too.  He still doesn't know how all this happens (thankfully!), but he knew something was going on with the C-Section, since we couldn't see  her right afterwards.

 Avery is a proud big sister!  She talks about how she's going to take care of and help with the baby, so Megan may have her hands full with her "little helper."

 Ryan loved holding baby Clark.  I told him to let me know when he was done, and he whispered "it's going to be a long time."  Sure enough when Denny and I were holding him, he kept asking if it was his turn again.

 Proud Uncle Denny.  I asked how this couldn't make him want another baby, but he said I'll just have to spoil this one, cause we're not having anymore! :)

 Clark with his Grandma Kathy & Grandpa Randy.  I didn't think about it at first, but now William has a son to carry on the Higgins name.

William & Avery in the hospital room.  I can't believe my little brother has 2 kids!!  At least now he can sympathize with Clark when Avery is bossing  or pestering him.  Not that I ever did that to William.  It was totally the other way around.  :)

Ryan's Christmas Program

This was Ryan's 1st school Christmas Program, and he was lookin' pretty good!  A friend of mine let me borrow this tux.  Aaron wore it to his 1st grade Christmas Program, and now Ryan is getting to wear it.  Thank you Shane!!
 He liked how he looked, but kept saying he looked like a server (waiter).

 Avery & I passing the time before the program started!

 Ryan was pretty serious during the program.

Getting ready to sing the Veggie Tales version of Feliz Navidad.  They each had maracas and it was very cute!

Okay, Aaron had his program the week before, but I don't have any pictures.  I's horrible.  In my defense I did record it.  (until the DVD ran out)  I'm pretty sure my mom got some pics, though.  It was a cute program, and his class did great.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Aaron's 9th Birthday!

Aaron always likes to decorate his birthday cake.  This year he had an Angry Bird party.  He had lots of presents and had a great time!

 Ryan got Aaron a Club Penguin membership card.  (it's a computer game)

 Uncle William doesn't like the game Apples to Apples, but Aaron loves it.  We already had the junior edition,  and they got him the Disney edition.  We've already had a lot of fun playing it!

 Aaron had his friend Michael spend the night.

Can't believe my baby is 9 years old!

Thanksgiving in Monett

Since Megan is due in December we are going to stay here for Christmas.  I haven't been there for the births of any of my nieces or nephews, so we want to be around for this one!!  So, we spent Thanksgiving in Monett with Denny's family, and the boys had their Christmas then.  My sister-in-law, Silvia, made a wonderful meal.  The phrase "enough to feed an army" comes to mind when I think about it.  She did great!
 They each got a bow & arrow, and have had a blast with them!  At home we have targets on their mirror or window to shoot at.

 Pa Pa Ken, Ryan, & Ma Ma Paula

 They also each got a sling shot.  I think Aaron was surprised we said they could buy them for the boys!

Few Random Pics

 We've been enjoying our new back porch.  We carry the TV outside and can sit by the fire and watch our favorite cartoons!

 Denny opening his birthday presents.
The cutest group of boys I've ever seen!

Mom bought these hats for the boys.  They love Angry Birds.  Ryan likes to wear his around the house when he's playing!

Avery's 3rd Birthday!

My niece Avery is now a big 3 year old!  She had her party at our new frozen yogurt shop called Cherry Berry.  I think everyone had fun!

Ryan, Grandma Kathy, and Aaron

William, Avery, & Megan

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


 Aaron wanted to be a ninja, which meant Ryan wanted to be one too.  I was going to make Ryan choose something else, but Aaron was okay as long as the costumes were different.

 We went to the trunk or treat, and this hearse was the first car.  You had to reach into the coffin to get the candy.  I didn't get any closer than this pic!

Ryan standing next to a window display at one of the stores.

 We dressed up at work, so Denny let me borrow his soccer shirt and shin guards.

Fall Festival at Ryan's School

Taking pictures with Daddy before we went to Ryan's school carnival.

Yep, I finally went back to dark hair!

 Megan and little Brady Claire!  (her shirt was too cute!)

 Aaron, Avery, & Ryan
Avery loves her cousins!!

Red Ribbon Week at School

Last week was drug awareness week at Aaron's school, so each day they got to dress up.

 Monday was nerd day.  He looked great!

 Thursday was crazy hair day.  It's the only time he's been excited for me to fix his hair!

Friday was spirit day, so they wore their Buff T-Shirts.

Monday, October 17, 2011


The boys went fishing with my parents on Saturday.  Spirit (where Dad works) had a family day/ fishing tournament.  The boys had a great time, and thankfully the fish were biting!  They each caught a 13 ounce crappie, so they had to split the $100 cash prize.  They had no problem with me putting it in their savings accounts.  They were just as exicted about the legos and fishing lures they also received!