Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Ryan's Party at Home

My parents filled Ryan's room with balloons for when we got home from MO.  There were so many he slept in the living room, which he does a lot anyway.  :)

Wow, I can't believe these are my 2 babies!!!

M&M ice cream dessert.  YUM!

My brother thought the gift bag was funny.  Ryan didn't care, cause he got the cap guns he'd been wanting!

He also got this video game chair.

Fun in the pool with the cousins.  Brady was in a kiddie pool under the tree.  She didn't want her picture taken that night.  :)

The next day we took the boys to Tulsa to SkyZone & to watch The Secret Life of Pets at the theater. Ryan's friend was going to go, but he had to move unexpectedly.  Ryan still had a fun day, though!

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