Thursday, October 31, 2013

Trick or Treat

Tonight was Trick or Treat in McAlester.  Here are some pictures from our evening.  We had a blast, and the boys got a lot of good candy!

Ryan was Thor.  His pumpkin is supposed to be a castle.

Aaron was the Iron Patriot.  His pumpkin was a dragon.

Thor vs. the Iron Patriot!

Thor always gets the bad guy...or girl!

The boys always trick or treat at our house first!

 Clark was Jake the Pirate.

Avery was Doc McStuffins.

I love these kids!

 Clark and the boys.  I had a very hard time getting Clark to look at the camera!

 Grandpa Randy and the boys.

 Great-Grandpa Romine with Avery, Ryan, & Aaron.

Great-Grandma Romine with Avery, Ryan, & Aaron.

The boys with their Great Grandma Margie.


Halloween at Work

My wonderful boss lets us dress up at work.  This was actually my costume from last year, but I was sick and wasn't at work that day.  So, I was able to be a prisoner this year!  Denny helped me put on tattoos, and my inmate # is actually my wedding date. :)

It's hard to look like a serious criminal when you have blue hair in your face!

We had a lot of fun today!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

R.A. Fishing Trip

Denny is teaching 4th-6th grade boys on Wednesday nights at church.  The class is called R.A's (Royal Ambassadors)  This past weekend we took them to Higgins, OK for a fishing trip.  A man at church works at the Fish & Wildlife center there, so he let us fish at their pond and also gave a devotional.  We had good weather and a great time!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Robbers Cave

 Mom and Dad took the boys to Robbers Cave today.  They had a picnic lunch, and did a lot of climbing!  The boys had a great day, and are ready to go back!  

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Aaron's Language Arts Class

Every now & then Aaron has to write a short story in his Language Arts class.  He told me I could put them on the blog, so I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

    My favorite holiday is Christmas.  We get a break from school.  We also celebrate Jesus' birth.  It also snows so we can play in it.

    When I walked in to school today I had a feeling my teacher was a vampire.  I saw her drinking something red.  The room was dark also she was wearing all black.  By the end of the day I found out she was not a vampire.  But now I think one of my other teachers is a WEREWOLF!   ......TO BE CONTINUED

    If I had an extra million dollars.  I would give it to the school so they could fix the school.  I'd also give it to St. Judes.

10 Crazy Reasons I couldn't do my homework:

10.  A ninja sliced my homework.
9.  A baseball went through my homework.
8.  My dog ate my homework.
7.  My brother lit it on fire.
6.  A dragon ate my homework.
5.  Another dragon blew fire on my homework.
4.  Aliens abducted my homework.
3.  My brother ate my homework.
2.  A zombie ate my homework.
1.  A zombie apocalypse happened so I didn't get to do it.
