Sunday, June 24, 2012

Kitchen Pictures

Denny made a lot of progress on the kitchen this weekend.  The pictures don't do it justice, but at least you can see what he's been doing.  We still have to put up the trim around the ceiling, and also all the baseboards in the laundry room & kitchen.  Hopefully we can get the backsplash installed within the next couple of weeks.  It is looking beautiful!
 I picked up the doors from the glass company Friday, and Denny put the hardware on and hung them that night.  

Denny also finished all the bottom doors (except one).  That's a lot of hinges and handles!

 I love how the water heater doors turned out!

The kitchen is turning out beautiful, and I can't wait to see it with the new backsplash.  I'll post pics as soon as we get it!

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