Monday, April 23, 2012


This past Thursday mom & dad took their new trailer out to Belle Star for the weekend.  The boys went with them, and I was able to take off work early Friday and spent the weekend with them. Unfortunately, Denny had to stay home and work Saturday & Sunday.  :(  William and Avery were also there part of the time.  

Dad fried bacon every morning for our breakfast.

The boys are ready to roast weenies & marshmallows.  Or maybe they're ready to attack, I'm not sure.

This is the view from the dock.  You can't quite see our campsite from there because it's blocked by the trees.

My Grandma Margie came by to visit.  She brought her new little puppie, Lexie, which the kids loved!

Aaron showing off his acrobatic skills.

Avery loved wearing her helmet.

What a cute group!

Grandpa with his camping boys.

You may have noticed there are no pictures of me or mom.  This is out of respect for her, and so she doesn't show any pics of me!  Flat irons and make-up don't really go with camping, so we tried to stay out of most of the pictures.  
Well, we missed not having Denny there, but we still had a great time!  There are places I'd like to go, or take the boys to see, but I have to admit camping is my favorite vacation!  Thanks mom & dad for all the work you put into it!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!!

We celebrated my birthday at Mom's house this past Friday.  William & his family, and my grandparents were all there.  We had a great time!
 Avery & Ryan helping me blow out the candles.
 Crazy faces after the party!

 It's Christmas in April!  I love decorating for Christmas, so my parents got me this really cute snowman.   You can't really tell from the picture, but it lights up.  I'm not sure if I'll put it outside or inside, but I really like it!
I had to include this picture for all those Team Jacob people.  Denny got me the Breaking Dawn movie, and this came with it.  Right now it's hanging in my closet.  I think I'll leave it there and see what Denny says. :)
I don't know if this was for my birthday, or just Mom trying to bring out the green thumb in me, but she and Dad brought these over this weekend.  (notice she didn't have me pot them!) I got the Gnomeo & Julie statue for Christmas. (from one of my favorite movies!)  I have high hopes for these plants.....maybe next year I can move up to an actual flower bed! :) 

Saturday, April 14, 2012


They boys love to watch the show called Myth Busters, which means they like to do their own experiments, too.  My Aunt Nette sent the boys a kit, and this was the first thing they tried.  I have to admit it was really neat.
 First, you need 3 handsome boys.
Second, you add a few Mentos to a bottle of Diet Coke.
Third, you pull the string and watch how high the pop goes!

Easter Sunday

Well, I'm about a week late, but here are a few Easter pics.  Mom & Dad came over before church so we could take some pictures together.  I know I'm biased, but I think I've got some good looking boys!

 We didn't do Easter baskets this year.  It was more of an Easter gift.  Ryan got a new basketball and Aaron got a baseball net. (because there is no way I can play catch with him!)  They also had plenty of candy, which I've stayed out of.  (for the most part!)

Happy (belated) Easter!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Grandpa Romine's Birthday

All of my mom's side of the family came in to celebrate my Grandpa Romine's 79th birthday.  My cousin, Ben, was the only one that couldn't make it, so we had a large group!
 Here are all the great grandkids.
Avery, Aaron, Clark, Ryan, Avelyn, & Cadence
 Here is my Grandma Romine with Aaron, Avery, & Clark.
My Grandpa Romine taking Avelyn and Ryan for a ride.  They loved it, and kept asking others to take them after he stopped.  Before anyone panics, no I did not take a turn driving them!


It's that time of year again! Aaron is playing in the Pittsburg County Little League again, but this is our first year in kid pitch.  His team is the Scrappers.

This is how Ryan entertained himself during Aaron's first game.  I stressed that he would not be able to play in the dirt at every game.  He was filthy and wore out, but he had a blast!

Kitchen Update

Here are a few pics of the kitchen.  Doing the work ourselves makes it a little slow at times, but on the other hand I'm surprised at how much we have already done.  The bottom cabinets are stained, but Denny hasn't made any doors yet. (doors will be the last thing).  The bottom cabinets are now ready for me to stain.  Unfortunately I've been working a lot lately, so it may have to wait until the weekend.

 Both of the boys like to help!
Secret message Denny wrote before he attached a piece of wood.  :)