Sunday, March 4, 2012

My wonderful husband!!!

Okay, so we've decided it's time to take on another project.  What can I say...we love fixing up the house!  After getting some quotes on new kitchen cabinets, Denny decided he would build them himself.  So, he spent this weekend building our new base cabinet.  (we didn't have cabinets here originally, so there hasn't been any demo yet)  I plan on this being my "baking station."  It's also a bar that the boys will be able to sit and do homework at.  I still can't believe how much Denny got done this weekend.  I am a very lucky woman!! (and not just because he's handy around the house!)

 Ryan is very excited about this project.  He helped tear up the linoleum where the new cabinets were going to go.  He also helped Denny clamp some pieces together, sweep up dust, and whatever else he could help with.  Can you tell which clamps are Denny's?   :)

 My hard working husband.

And this is what we have so far.  Pretty good for one weekend, huh?!

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