Friday, March 16, 2012

Ryan's 1st Field Trip

Today Ryan and I went to the Children's Museum in Seminole with his school.  This was his 1st field trip, and he had a blast!  I was in charge of 5 kids, so he had to be my helper.  I was very proud of him!
 These were my 5 to keep up with.

 Ryan with Laynie & Michaela playing in the dentist section.

 Ryan & Gunner loved playing in the water section.  Ryan's shirt was soaked!

 Each one had to pose on the gorilla.

I'm so glad I was able to go with him on his 1st field trip!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

My wonderful husband!!!

Okay, so we've decided it's time to take on another project.  What can I say...we love fixing up the house!  After getting some quotes on new kitchen cabinets, Denny decided he would build them himself.  So, he spent this weekend building our new base cabinet.  (we didn't have cabinets here originally, so there hasn't been any demo yet)  I plan on this being my "baking station."  It's also a bar that the boys will be able to sit and do homework at.  I still can't believe how much Denny got done this weekend.  I am a very lucky woman!! (and not just because he's handy around the house!)

 Ryan is very excited about this project.  He helped tear up the linoleum where the new cabinets were going to go.  He also helped Denny clamp some pieces together, sweep up dust, and whatever else he could help with.  Can you tell which clamps are Denny's?   :)

 My hard working husband.

And this is what we have so far.  Pretty good for one weekend, huh?!

Dr. Seuss Week

This past week was Dr. Seuss week at Ryan's school.  Each day they got to wear something different, and then read a Dr. Seuss book or watch a cartoon.  I love Dr. Seuss books, so we tried to read them at home each night, too.
 Here is a picture of hat day.  
(Durham Bulls was Aaron's baseball team last year.)

This was pajama day.  He likes his "cool" poses!

On Friday they were supposed to wear green, and they had green eggs & ham for breakfast.  I was tempted to eat with him that morning! :)

be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray
or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O'Shea,
you're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting.
So...get on your way!"
(from Oh, the Places You'll Go!  
which is the first Dr. Seuss book the boys ever got.)