Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Dining Room is Complete!

It took a little longer than expected, but I finally have the dining room done!  I had a hard time deciding what to put on the walls, but thanks to Pintrest I came up with some ideas.

 I actually put the damask wall decals up myself.  It was ALOT harder than I thought, but definitely worth it.

 Here is what I learned to do at Pintrest.com.  I took pictures of our family and then put them on canvas.  The above pic shows Paula & Ken on the left, Denny & I in the middle, and my parents on the right.  The other wall has pictures of our grandparents. I know this picture has a glare, but the quote reads "A True Love Story Never Ends"

 Here are my beautiful damask curtains.  (can you tell I like damask?)
 It's hard to tell in this pic, but this is a list of everyone's photo I put on the wall.  It has their full names, and when and where they got married.

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