Monday, October 17, 2011


The boys went fishing with my parents on Saturday.  Spirit (where Dad works) had a family day/ fishing tournament.  The boys had a great time, and thankfully the fish were biting!  They each caught a 13 ounce crappie, so they had to split the $100 cash prize.  They had no problem with me putting it in their savings accounts.  They were just as exicted about the legos and fishing lures they also received!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Playing in Style!

I had play clothes laid out for Ryan, but he thought it needed a little something else.

This is his "I'm a bad boy" look. (those were his words!)

Pumpkin Patch

This weekend we went to our local pumpkin patch to pick out pumpkins  Here are a few pics of the boys.

They put a face on the back and front of their pumpkins, so we had to have a picture of each face!

Friday, October 7, 2011


I don't have any pictures yet, but the boys had there 1st soccer games last night.  They had fun and I was proud of both.  Ryan's age plays 3 on 3 and they were fun to watch.  Aaron was playing at the same time unfortunately, so I didn't get to see much of his game.  I know he ran his little heart out, though!  My brother was there, so he and Megan watched Aaron, and Avery sat with me to watch Ryan.  Avery took lots of pictures for me, but they were kind of blurry. :)

Denny went to the doctor yesterday, and he's pleased with how his foot is healing.  He still can't walk on it, and has to keep it elevated.  The good news is he can go to church and ball games now.  As long as he has a chair to keep it propped up.  It was perfect timing since the boys had games last night.  We saw an ENT about the dizziness and he thinks it will go away in time.  Right now it only hits him when he lays down at night, so hopefully everything is on the mend!