Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ryan's birthday

I'm only doing a few pics of Ryan's birthday, just to see if it turns out okay.  He had a great time, and I can't believe he's 5 years old!  We celebrated at our house and in Monett, but the theme was Green Lantern at both.  (No, he hasn't seen the movie, but for some reason he really wanted a Green Lantern party)
First we celebrated at our house with all of my family.  He wanted a dirt cake, and then decorated it with green & yellow gummy worms, and of course, Green Lantern.

Aaron gave Ryan a penguin pillow pet. 
We did fireworks after cake and presents.
Denny helping Avery with her fireworks.

 Ryan's Tia Silvia went above and beyond for his birthday cake.  In case you don't know, his cake is the Green Lantern symbol.  She needs to have her own bakery!
 After cake and presents we all swam in Darrin's pool. (Denny's brother)

Playing on Uncle Darrin's porch. (Emily, Amy, Deacon, Aaron, & Ryan)
On Ryan's actual birthday he had a friend come home with him.  I took them to the pool, and then they had pizza and played at the house.  It was the first time he's had a friend stay the night!  They had so much fun, and I didn't have to break up one fight! (Aaron wasn't there.  He spent the week in MO) 

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