Friday, May 20, 2016

Graduation Time!

This past weekend we went to MO for our nieces' graduation.  We're so proud of both of them, but can't believe they're officially out of high school!

Katie's party was Saturday afternoon.  We were having 90 degree weather in OK, but we wake up in MO to 40 degrees and windy.  Dawn took it all in stride though!

Katie is on the far left, middle row.



Essie had her party Sunday after church.  This is one of the few times I got a picture of her and Emily!

Jenks Aquarium

 I went with Ryan's class to the Jenks Aquarium the beginning of May.  Parents aren't allowed to ride the bus, so Ryan rode with me, and he had a friend ride home with us.  I had a good group of kids, and they had a lot of fun!