Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Sunday

 Ryan always likes to take a silly picture!

Ryan and his beautiful cousin, Avery.

Brady Claire and Megan looking pretty for Easter Sunday!

Clark doesn't like his picture taken, but I think he's still cute!  :)

Yesterday (Saturday) Mom took me Easter dress shopping.  Growing up I always had a new dress for Easter and her and Dad decided I needed a new one this year.  :)  I was hesitant to go because I figured we wouldn't find anything here, but I was pleasantly surprised.  We had a lot of fun!

Easter Eggs

Ryan and I dyed eggs over spring break.

Ryan and Aaron helped the cousin's dye eggs at Grandma Kathy's house.

Lots of fun!

New Furniture

We finally stopped putting off furniture shopping and found us a new couch and love seat.  So, the boys camped out one last time on the old couch.

The new couch is super comfy, so they had to camp out on it next!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

R A Racers

It's that time of year again!  Our Wednesday night class has been working on their cars and it was finally time for the races.  I didn't get a pic of Denny's, but as usual it was awesome.  (It was painted as Thor's hammer)

Ryan's friend has been coming home with us on Wednesday's after school, and then going to church with us.  It's been fun!

Fun in Missouri

This past weekend we spent a quick weekend in MO with Denny's family.  Ryan loves spending time with his Uncle Darrin.  Darrin likes to be outside, too, so their a great match!

Ryan had to give everyone a ride around the property. :)

He also got to see twin goats right after they were born!

The reason for our quick trip was Ken's retirement.  I took pictures of their beautiful cakes and decorations, but no I didn't get an actual picture of Ken and Paula.  (I didn't realize this until we got home)  In my defense they were pretty occupied!  They are such a loved couple there were a lot of people at the service that had traveled to see them.  Denny's sister Dawn did a great job getting everything together and a cute skit she did with Denny and David.

Let the retirement fun begin!