Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Celebrando Navidad

Denny and Aaron went on a mission trip to Mexico with our church.  They left the day after Christmas, and came home Tuesday night.  They had a great time, and it sounds like Aaron was a good worker.  Ryan and I missed them, but I'm glad they had this opportunity!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas Day

We spent Christmas day at Mom & Dad's house.  The kids all liked their gifts and of course the adults did, too!
Don't let the look fool you.  Clark loved his toot gun!

Avery's Christmas gifts were all from Frozen.

I wrapped Brady's gift in a Fruit Loops box, and she loved it!
Aaron was excited to get his Pokémon game!

One of Ryan's gifts was some new books to read!

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

We are having Christmas with my family tomorrow, so we had our Christmas today.  We woke up to full stockings and a tree full of wonderful gifts!
Our Elf on the Shelf, Buddy, had a little fun with Ryan this morning.
Denny read the Christmas story before we opened our presents.

Ryan was super excited about his punching bag!

Aaron had no idea he was getting a Nintendo 3ds.  We totally surprised him!
I fixed a turkey for lunch and we had a fun pj day with tv, games, and gingerbread houses!
Merry Christmas Eve!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas in Missouri

As always we had a great time in Missouri.  We had a lot of fun playing Bingo, dirty Santa, and opening presents.  The best part was getting to see all the family, though.  It seems our trips are never long enough!
Tia Silvia surprised us all when she came to the door dressed as Santa!

So glad Dawn was feeling well enough to come hang out with us Saturday!

Not all of Denny's siblings could be there this year.  We missed them, but that just meant more Bingo prizes for us!  :)

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Ryan's Christmas Program

Ryan's Christmas program was western themed.  We got the hat at Dixie Stampede a long time ago, so it was a little small.  But, it worked fine for the play!

My handsome cowboy!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Aaron's Band Concert

Last week was Aaron's Christmas concert for band.  They all had to dress up, and I have to say he looked quite handsome.  There was only 3 songs, but since Aaron is in percussion he got to play 3 different instruments.  They all sounded great!


Robot Dog

Ryan had to make a recyclable robot for school, and decided to make it a robot dog.  It was a good father son project!

Happy Birthday Denny!

It's a little late, but here are a couple of pics of Denny's birthday. We had dinner at Rib Crib, and instead of cake he went by & bought ice cream from Braums. It was on a school night, which meant helping the boys with homework, but I think he still had a good one!

I love you babe!