Sunday, November 30, 2014

Happy 12th Birthday!

12 years ago today, God blessed us with a beautiful, healthy, baby boy.  I don't know where the time has gone! He hasn't felt very good today, and he dreads going back to school tomorrow, but I think he still had a good one.  We love you so much Aaron! 


Aaron's Birthday Party

Yesterday Aaron had his birthday party with a few friends from school.  We had pizza and snacks at the house, and then went to Lazer Zone in Ada.  It was a great trip!


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

I hate to admit it, but I didn't take any pictures today!  Gasp!  However, we did have a great one.  My Dad's side of the family was in, and we all met for a big meal with plenty of desserts!  I'm thankful for my family and the love we all share.  I'm thankful for God blessing me with so much that I don't deserve.  He has continued to bless my family in different ways, and I am thankful for my merciful, loving, forgiving Lord!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Family Pictures


Sunday, November 23, 2014

Aaron's Family Party

We had Aaron's family party this Sunday after church.  We had fried chicken and plenty of sweets!  The theme was Pokémon, and everyone had a good time.  Didn't realize I didn't take pictures of all the family, though.  Oops!

Aaron got a Mega Nerf gun, Pokémon card set, Pokémon card binder with pages, and money.

It's hard to get them all looking at the camera!

Avery's 6th Birthday

 Avery had her 6th birthday party at the local skating rink.  Wish I had more pictures, but I was having too much fun skating!

Me and my sweet girl!

Clark didn't skate much, but he loved running around with the walkers!