Monday, January 20, 2014

Great Balls of Fire

The Romine grandparents got the boys gift cards to Great Balls of Fire for Christmas.  We took them after church Sunday, and they had a blast!

 The rock wall may have been their favorite.

Bumper cars with Denny.  We lucked out and had the place to ourselves!

 We took a lot of pictures at the black light putt putt!

He's my superman!

We think Denny's statue was the best!

I call this my Avery pose!

Oh, Denny.....

Cover those eyes boys!

Ryan was rockin' with Elvis!

My beautiful niece!

They got home from the hospital around 8pm on Friday, so I was able to see her, but the boys had to wait until Saturday.  I think it was love at first sight for all of us.  I still can't get over her hair!  None of mine or William's babies had much hair.  Especially dark hair like hers!

The first time Aaron held her she dirtied her diaper.  As soon as you could hear it, his eyes got huge, and he quickly handed her over.  Guess he's not ready for diaper duty yet!

We love you Brady Claire!

Brady Claire is here!

Brady Claire is here!  She weighed 7lbs 6ounces, and was 19 1/2" long.  She was born in Tulsa, so I wasn't able to go see her.  But, thanks to computers I was able to see my little niece with all her beautiful hair!

Mom and Dad took Avery & Clark to the hospital the next day.  They were anxious to see their new little sister!

Proud Daddy!

Avery was so excited to go see Brady!

Proud Grandma Kathy & Grandpa Randy!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Homemade Kites

We had an extremely windy day on Sunday.  Since we didn't have kites, we decided to make our own.  The boys had a lot of fun, and I was surprised how well they worked!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Shower for Brady Claire!

Yesterday was Megan's baby shower.  Some of her friends hosted it, and it was all beautiful.  She got some really cute outfits.  I can't wait to see my new little niece!