Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mother's Day


Yep, the boys have already been swimming in their pool.  I think it's WAY too cold, but not them!  Denny even got in with them last night.  This is going to be a fun summer!

Aaron's Room

Denny made a desk for Aaron, so that meant moving things around.  I asked if he wanted new bedding, or repaint the walls, but he wanted everything to stay the same. :)  Here is how his room looks now.

My handsome hubby!

The boys took these pictures before Ryan's school program.  I think we make a cute couple!

Ryan with his principal at his "graduation" from kindergarten.  We're going to miss William Gay and all of the staff!

School Carnivals

Here are a few pics from the end of year carnivals at school.

 Clark loved the music they had playing!  He loves to move and shake!

 Avery & Ryan playing Twister.

Aaron & Denny about to race down the hallway.

William did the face painting, so Avery wanted her daddy to paint my face.  This was a perfect opportunity for him, but he was nice and gave me a heart to match Avery's. :)

Avery painted a smiley face for me!  We got a little in my hair, but it was no biggie!

Aaron won a scooter at his school carnival for being the 4th top seller of raffle tickets.  (thanks to his Daddy)  It worked out great, because he'd been saving his money for a scooter!