Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Happy Birthday Mom!

Yesterday we celebrated Mom's birthday.  I'm not sure what happened, but I realized later I didn't take many pictures.  Mom got to eat her Chinese, and even Dad ate a little of it!
Below is a picture of the card Avery made for her. It was super cute! (and so is she!)

She deserves so much more than a dinner for her birthday. Maybe someday we'll win the lottery that I never play, and we'll be able to do more.  You know, like take her to Chinese twice a year, instead of just once. :)  In all seriousness, I do hope I can be as good a mother as she is!  Oh, and the boys think she's a pretty fun Grandma, too!
We hope you had a great birthday, Mom!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

First camping trip of the year!

Here are a few pictures from camping this weekend.  We love going to Belle Starr!

 Avery jumping in the leaves.

 Ryan & Avery swimming in the leaves.

 Aaron climbing trees.

 Avery kept score while we played a game of washers.

Ryan and I roasting marshmallows.  Yum!

Getting ready for the pool!

Denny has been working hard to get the yard ready for our pool.

 The boys, and their friend Jacob, have all helped with digging, and hauling off the dirt.

 Their favorite part was when the sand was delivered!  

Field Trip

I was able to go with Ryan on a field trip to the Children's Museum in Seminole this week.  We had a great time!

This was my group of boys to keep up with.  No one got lost!

 This was a huge light brite board.

 Future mechanics?

Judge Ryan.