Tuesday, November 13, 2012

School Board Meeting

Aaron's class was asked to sing at our school board meeting last night.  I know it's not a real good picture, but I was having camera problems that night!  Anyway, Aaron was asked to say the opening prayer.  I could tell he was nervous when he walked up to the mike, but once he started praying he did awesome.  We talked about what he should say before hand, and I just told him to think about what all was going on that night and pray about that.  His prayer was very sweet and sincere, and I was so proud!  I just wish Denny could have been there to hear it.  (he's still in St. Louis)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Our Weekend

 Aaron lost another tooth!  Denny is in St. Louis right now, so I was getting nervous that I was going to have to pull it...but Aaron did it himself!  Yeah!
Aaron and his best friend Michael.  Today was there last game, and they got to play on the high school field. Aaron even scored a touchdown!

Today was Avery & Clark's birthday party.  She is 4, and he will be 1.

 It was a pirate & princess themed party.

 Pirate Grandpa & Clark
 Silly faces with Avery!

My beautiful niece!

Clark enjoyed his cupcake, but was pretty serious about it at first.